Zionism and Anti-Zionism

Brad DeLong delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Mon May 13 21:28:40 PDT 2002

>not necessarily. as long as anarchy reigns, the PA and Arafat have
>a perfectly good excuse for not preventing terror attacks.

This was Clinton's hope: that once Arafat was invested in an authority, he would have a powerful motive to prevent terror attacks--because if he succeeded in doing so he would then be invested in a state.

I still think that Rabin would have been able to properly present the carrot and the stick in such a way as to make it work.

>If they and many others were invested in a state, the situation
>could improve. I fail to see how it could get any worse...

Such a limited imagination! I have no trouble seeing how it could get much worse very quickly!

Brad DeLong

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