Second Wave Attacks and Tinfoil Hats

Gar Lipow lipowg at
Sun May 19 22:39:47 PDT 2002

As someone who hates conspiracy theories, I find myself drawn to one. Can anyone refute the following so I can take off my tinfoil hat?

Fact: The recent treaty just signed between the U.S. and Russia limits stategic warheads deployed, but not on strategic warheads stored. It places no limits on tactical warheads.

Fact: Aid to Russia for help in destroying nuclear warheads has been cut drastically.

Fact: There virtually no aid given to help Russia maintain security on warheads that are not destroyed. Nor is there any aid given to help protect the stores of smallpox virus Russia still maintains.

Fact: even with some improvment in the Russian economy a decade of decline, security against warhead and bioweapon theft is a joke. Low pay for the military who guard such weapons leave them extremely vulnerable to bribery, even assuming security is otherwise good. (And it is probably not.)

Conclusion: the U.S. is encouraging the theft of Russian warheads and smallpox vaccine so that they will become available in international illegal criminal markets for use against the U.S.

Are any of the facts above wrong? Does the conclusion follow from them?

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