East Timor independence

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Mon May 20 19:34:59 PDT 2002


from the last two paragraphs: "Perhaps most important, East Timor's development during the two and a half years of U.N. administration indicates that it will be relatively well governed. The country has shown an admirable democratic tendency. Major decisions have been made with widespread consultation. East Timor's president, José Alexandre Gusmão, is a guerrilla leader turned political prisoner and has often been compared to Nelson Mandela, sharing his democratic instincts and conciliatory spirit, even toward former adversaries like Indonesia. Good relations with Indonesia are crucial, as East Timor shares an island with part of Indonesia, and will not be able to defend itself should Indonesian militias resume their rampages or pay allies inside East Timor to cause violence. Washington must also be wary that its new coordination with Indonesia's military is not taken as an invitation to mischief. Recently declassified documents reveal that the United States approved Indonesia's 1975 invasion, on the grounds of fighting Communism. Washington must be very careful not to repeat its mistakes in the name of fighting terror."

"Mistakes" is a big euphemism.

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