"Peace Activists" (a misnomer) Re: Do Everythinger

Joe R. Golowka joeG at ieee.org
Sat May 25 22:03:48 PDT 2002

> I disagree. The muscle of the world's superpower was powerless to stop the
> 9-11 attacks. They didn't even have any jet fighters ready to shoot down
> the planes. The fighters that were scrambled were Air National Guard jets.

I don't see how the 9-11 attacks weakened Empire at all except maybe symbolically. They just used it as an excuse to clamp down on dissent and beat up on some more brown people. You can't blow up a social relation.

> What was Empire's response to the attacks? Since their wonderful armies
> and air forces are incapable of fighting assymetrical warfare, they went
> over to Afghanistan and bounced the rubble around.

And laid the ground for their oil pipeline.

> I'm sorry, but I see an Empire in decline and one that is incredibly weak
> and vulnerable right now.

I think the American Empire has starting to decline for a couple years now but that's only recently becoming visible.

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