Chomsky News Network

Michael McIntyre mmcintyr at
Fri May 31 06:10:12 PDT 2002

Shit, kell, why don't you just do a content analysis of the responses to your post? Seems to me there was a pretty decent distribution - from folks like me saying "but Chomsky is a patriot" to folks agreeing with you, to one of the Chucks saying I hate this motherfucking country. So where's the party line? I'll grant you that party lines formal and informal have been one of the banes of the left, but we're so fucking good at splitting that at least you have a large range of party lines, and fora like this one on which we hash it out. It's a much wider range than you'll find in mainstream politics. The abysmal orthodoxy of the Chicago ISO, to take one example, is nothing compared to the suffocating patriotism I found as a teenager in the Clay County (Mo.) Democratic Organization.

That said, I do agree that to some extent we're talking about a distinction between cocksucking and rimming here. Chacun a son gout.


>>> kelley at 05/31/02 07:41AM >>>

> How much of this patriotic deep throating does Noam
>have to do before he's considered a good American?

just to turn the tables: isn't that precisely what goes on here if anyone says anything in defense of US culture? isn't it the case that you have to suck the cock and both balls of your fellow lefties and prove you're a real lefty first, and even then, no matter what you've typed or said or written in the past, the act of saying it voids everything you've otherwise said?

why promulgate a process built on the same dynamics as patriotism?

you can only belong if you talk the loyalty oath and that's to never, ever say anything but critical things about the US?

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