Sure. Like Condi says, we're "special" cause we love freedom and democracy, so when we take over Iraq and hand out its oil leases to the Prez's pal's, it's all in a good cause, not imperialist. THEY are imperialist, YOU are aggressive, WE are special. What;s os hard about that?
It's time to haul out Brecht's The Anachronistic March of Freedom and Democracy (about postwar Germany), not one his more poetic efforts, but to the point; or the genuinely great poem that inspired it, Shelley's Masque of Anarchy (nothing to do with Anarc_ism_), the concluding lines of which comfort me in dark times:
Rise Like lions after slumber In unvanquishable number Shake to earth the chains like dew That in sleep have fall'n on you Ye are many--they are few!
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