
Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Mon Nov 4 18:01:08 PST 2002

>Ok, looks like I've booked Hitchens for the radio this Thursday, 5
>PM. Any thoughts on what I should ask him? Questions on Orwell would
>be nice, as well as the obvious.

How did you finally get him to respond after all of the unanswered e-mail? By saying you think he's a Republican shill?

Here's a recent BBC interview by which might answer some people's questions and provide ideas for other inquiries: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/talkshow/features/christopher-hitchens-transcript.shtml

On November 19th, he'll be on Jon Stewart's Daily Show on Comedy Central. Other guests in the next 2 weeks are Christina Aguilera and Ja Rule. http://www.interbridge.com/lineups.html

You could ask him about the book he edited with Christopher Caldwell that comes out this month. You like Caldwell, right?


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