Al-Q Honcho Hit

Bradford DeLong delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Nov 5 11:20:27 PST 2002

>On Tuesday, November 5, 2002, at 01:01 PM, Brad DeLong wrote:
>>> >Another despicable act of imperialist terror!
>>>>Quick -- get a call into Ramsey Clark! DP
>>>This bothers me. So, now the CIA could fly these unmanned planes
>>>into any and every country and fire off missiles at people it
>>>doesn't like? I thought extra-judicial executions were illegal
>>>and something that only the Israeli goons resorted to.
>>What a remarkably short memory. I seem to remember some 3000 "extra
>>judicial executions" by Al Qaeda...
>isn't the point that extra-judicial executions are contrary to
>values we as a democratic society espouse and ostensibly seek to
>defend with, uh, extra-judicial executions? but if we're primarily
>concerned with national security (or whatever) and not with "western
>values" (or whatever), let's at least be honest about it rather
>than resorting to "they do it, too" sorts of arguments.

My point was to comment on "only the Israeli goons." To claim that "only the Israeli goons" engage in "extra judicial executions" is an action that is anti-Semitic in effect if not in intent.

On the broader issues... The idea of "conquer 'em, then try 'em according to law" does seem to have some--but only some--moral advantages over "incinerate 'em from a distance with a missile." I'm not smart enough to judge which is the least bad option.

Brad DeLong

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