Tools --> Options --> Mail Format
turn every instance of HTML to Plain Text. pay particualr attention to the (stupid) option that lets your reply format be based on whatever crap the asshole at the other end sent you. (i.e. jerk sends HTML, you reply in HTML). that option is why you are seeing different behavior at different times. some of your correspondents send you shit, and you send it back...
> Can anyone on this list tell me how I can swtich all the
> fucking defaults that Micro$soft packed into their
> idiotic Outlook and have just plain text - no talking
> paper clips, no auto formats, no windows popping up to
> "help" me, no fucking nothing, just plain text please.
> BTW. Ted Kaczynski is my hero.
then throw away you computer and quit pestering people with your e-mails...
> Thank you
you're welcome.
-- no Onan