Hitch (Qs about Integrity v Politics)

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Tue Nov 5 12:48:52 PST 2002

And then, didn't Hitchens use confidential information from his lawyer-friend (sorry I forget his name) to propel himself into the national spotlight. Where is HIS integrity. marta - -- Marta Russell Los Angeles, CA http://www.disweb.org


Sidney "Grassy Knoll" {(Blumenthal,S. Yazijian,H. Government by Gunplay. 1976 (163, 220) http://www.pir.org/ppost08.html "Monicagate's CIA Connection."} Blumenthal? Boston correspondent for In These Times in the 80's. Michael Pugliese aka Lee Harvey Oddball http://www.bobandtom.com/pix/oswald.jpg

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