Disconnected Networks and Name Recognition Re: David Corn....

Chuck0 chuck at mutualaid.org
Tue Nov 5 14:46:31 PST 2002

Michael Pugliese wrote:
> Yoshie>...Don't be communist dupes! - - that even corporate media like
> the Washington Post and the New York Times disdain today; you still
> see it only in publications on the Right (e.g.,
> <http://www.frontpagemag.com/ Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=1544>,
> <http://www.frontpagemag.com/ articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=3676>),
> Horowit'es Frontpage got, "3,568,864 page views; 1.2 million unique visitors for October." ("David's Blog.")
> I remember Bob Wing ex-Line of March, now editing War Times, in a meeting in '91 in the old HQ of the
> Northern Ca. CPUSA, adding up the circulation figures of all the major left publications from Monthly Review to
> The Nation, NACLA, etc. Did not come anywhere close to the #'ers foe Centrist and Rightist rags.
> When something like Common Dreams or whatevah has anywhere near the "hits" Horowitz, Freerepublic, WND,
> NewsMax, NRO, and the Weekly Standard get, I'll start saying, "Counter-Hegemonic War Of Position, " again.
> Michael Pugliese
> P.S. The last issue of the PWW of the CPUSA I picked up on Sat. had the USPS statement all magazines must file.
> Already through it out, but, if memory serves, total circ. was @20K.

Infoshop.org averages around 3 million hits per month, more than Indymedia and many other left websites.

People are interested in alternative ideas these days. We just need to be better about getting our opinions out there.


------------------------------------------------------------ Personal homepage -> http://chuck.mahost.org/ Infoshop.org -> http://www.infoshop.org/ MutualAid.org -> http://www.mutualaid.org/ Alternative Press Review -> http://www.altpr.org/ Practical Anarchy Online -> http://www.practicalanarchy.org/ Anarchy: AJODA -> http://www.anarchymag.org/

AIM: AgentHelloKitty

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"...ironically, perhaps, the best organised dissenters in the world today are anarchists, who are busily undermining capitalism while the rest of the left is still trying to form committees."

-- Jeremy Hardy, The Guardian (UK)

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