Michael Pollok, a Former Aide to Helms works in your office! Oy vey! Didn't James Meredith work for Helms? http://www.onepeoplesproject.com/meredith.htm
And, yup, the conspiranoid angle of Wellstone crash, isn't a sole province of the, 'er, "loony left, " http://www.unansweredquestions.org/topic.php?tid=63
as the UK tabloids called the Trot entrists to Labour. Check out this list, for example. http://www.ctrl.org/ (The Conspiracy Theory Research List. Click the Amerikkkan Imperialist Octopus http://www.constitution.org/col/octocaso.htm http://www.mail-archive.com/cgi-bin/htsearch? method=and&format=short&config=ctrl_listserv_aol_com&restrict=&exclude=&words=Danny+Casolaro A few lefties there but, an awful lot of Birchers and other Rightists too. Waiting for a friend of one of those arrested at the UN here, http://nuance.dhs.org/lbo-talk/current/0220.html (Mitchel Cohen of the Brooklyn Greens? He's a pal of Robert Lederman who shows up on PIML, a militia list at yahoogroups to rave about Prescott Bush and the Nazis http://www.thethresher.com/indiscreet.html Michael Puglies