Luke , enjoy this 80's incubator babies story...get Hitch on it?

Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Wed Nov 6 10:36:00 PST 2002

> honestly, i thought it was only Bushes, freepers, and the right-wingers
> on my alumni list who thought every political problem could/should be
> evaluated relative to/in terms of the nazis.
> j

Not every. But Steve P's on this "you buy the propaganda, don't ya?" kick, dragging out stuff that no one here, so far as I know, believes in, or ever did. And by focusing solely on the lies, Steve seems to skate over the larger truth of the given topic, i.e., the Kuwaiti incubator story was a hoax, therefore any critique of Saddam should be viewed in that light. I just reached for the handy Nazi analogy to show how limited and ultimately ridiculous this line of attack really is.

And it seems that Steve never responded to the Afghan death toll that he laughed off earlier. Or if he did I missed it.


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