Russian vulgarity

Grant Lee grantlee at
Thu Nov 14 22:28:21 PST 2002

> Gorby comes from a provinvial peasant Ukrainian family. He speaks with a
> provincial dialect. In Russia, where etiquette snobism runs deep, this
> him sound like a hillbilly. He makes wierd, and quite funny, mistakes,
> he will say "Ya nePIsal," putting the stress on the second syllable,
> "I urinated," instead of "Ya na piSAL," "I wrote." In fact he's a well
> educated man, though not of spectacular intellect in my opinion. If you
> rube, look at Khrushchev.

It guess it's well known as well that first time Stalin spoke on the radio, July 2, 1941 --- immediately after the Nazi invasion and obviously also the first time most people had heard his voice --- ordinary Russians were shocked by his strong Georgian accent, which to people in (say) Leningrad must have sounded totally foreign(?)

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