more on Islamism as 'new social movement'

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at
Fri Nov 15 15:18:11 PST 2002

At 06:11 PM 11/15/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> >the leftist habit of
> >reducing everything bad to "fascism."
>You mean a habit among a majority of leftists? A significant minority
>of leftists? I'm confused about what's the correct language when
>making sweeping claims about that entity which does not exist.

Aw hell...a leftie calling something/somebody fascist is kinda like a menopausal mom calling her teenage daughter a "slut" ....probably not accurate, certainly not effective, but enormously morally satisfying to the aforesaid mom...who despairs of anything but a moral form of satisfaction.

The parallel here is meant to be loose and poetic. Caveat emptor.


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