Senate passes Homeland Security

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at
Wed Nov 20 09:13:15 PST 2002

``...This country is a one-way street with right turns only - no change is possible unless things start going really bad, but before that happens most people on this list will be detained by Ashcroft's securitat and sentenced by the GEheime STAats COurt already in operation - so exit seem like the smartest thing lefties can do...''



Well, before you pack, you should consider these are some pretty incompetent fascists. From what I heard on the news, there is no appropriations bill, so there is no money. We american patriots have some trust in the deeper american truths of stinginess, greed, and self-centered complacency.

After all erecting fortress Amerika is going to take commitment, money and work, and this particular administration doesn't seem much interested in any of that.

Don't get me wrong, I have no faith in the civilized qualities of the american people, but I do trust their laziness. Fascism (hate, fear, regimentation, authoritarianism) takes a lot of hard work and there is the rub. Too much work, not enough money, and no treats at the end of day.

Chuck Grimes

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