H. Rap Brown (was Re: Corn transcript)

billbartlett at dodo.com.au billbartlett at dodo.com.au
Thu Nov 21 22:08:42 PST 2002

At 5:42 PM -0500 21/11/02, Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

>At 1:36 PM -0800 11/20/02, andie nachgeborenen wrote:
>> > To acquit you'd have to believe
>>> the guns were planted and
>>> the defense suggested that but was not really able
>>> to make a strong enough
>>> case for it.
>>Yeah, you have to be able to prove that.
>True, but it must be exceedingly difficult for defense attorneys to
>discover evidence to really prove that guns, drugs, and the like
>were planted by cops. What are lawyers to do if they can't find
>unquestionably damning evidence of a frame-up?

Plead guilty. Since the criminal justice system is apparently based on presumption of guilt (Justin asserts, you have to prove the guns were planted, so this seems to be the case) and you can't prove your innocence, then legally you are guilty whether you did it or not.

Plead guilty and beg for mercy.

Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas

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