AC nails Cooper perfectly

Chuck0 chuck at
Mon Nov 25 07:22:09 PST 2002

Alex LoCascio wrote:
> Chuckles writes:
>>I could take issue with Cockburn's revisionist history of the 60s, >which places far too much importance on the SWP as players
> No, dear Chuckles, please *do* take issue. I'm interested to see what bizarre revisionist light you can shed on that decade.
> After all, it is sort of consensus among most people who lived through it that the SWP was the driving force behind the period's mass anti-war protests. Not the only force, mind your, nor the majority force. Merely the backbone. This is a relatively uncontroversial assertion.
> I suspect it deeply pains you to ever have to confess that Marxists, and that dreaded sub-group, the "authoritarian" (gasp!) Leninists have ever contributed anything productive to any movement, anywhere.

No, I will give credit where credit is due, but the news that the SWP was the driving force behind the anti-war movement of the 1960s is recent news to me. In fact, there seems to be a shrill defense of the SWP's role in the last month as all of the Nation columnists go after the WWP?

Is somebody getting defensive about history around here? ;-)

I'm sure that the folks running the WWP think they are the driving force behind the current anti-war movement. We all know that this isn't the case, but we'll let the WWPbots live with their illusions.


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