Another CIA Revelation

Peter K. peterk at
Tue Nov 26 06:01:57 PST 2002

>> I know this annoys the hell out of people, but Germany and Japan and Italy
>> - Afghanistan - were "democratized with bombs."
> Depends what you mean by "democratized." What the US and Britain did
>following the war was to reinstitution the traditional fascists order right
>back into power. This was done by undermining and basically destroying the
>left based Resistance movement which was worker and peasant based. The US
>had no beef with fascism as long as it wasn't conflicting with US interests.
>That's why the US supported Hitler and Mussolini when they came to power.
>There are class aspects of WWII which are mostly ignored in the mainstream
>for obvious reasons....they tell the wrong story. Europe in general was ripe
>for revolution prior to WWII and afterwards because the business community,
>by and large, sided with fascism...Its in their bones, sort of speak. Same
>story in Greece....

I agree with what you're saying and fascism and dictatorship held on in Greece and Spain and Portugal, but eventually they "democratized." Another line is that the US allowed Western Europe to democratize and shared the wealth because of the Soviet Union, but if that was the case, now with the SU gone wouldn't it revert to fascism again?


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