War Mania...

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at rawbw.com
Tue Nov 26 16:26:37 PST 2002

This series of magazine covers from the Weekly Standard illustrates how sections of the population are groomed to accept the idea of U.S. global triumphalism and the need for unilateral war against Arab and Muslim targets in the Middle East -Chip Berlet


Roger that. 24/7, since 911, war talk, countdown, deadlines, talk tough, be tough.

It's an all pervasive assault on the totality of the senses and mind, and isn't limited to the cool distance of graphic media.

Think about all the words and phrases that now roll off the tongue and clutter the mind: weapons of mass destruction, target acquistion, targets of opportunity, combat radius, clean kill, stealth technology, smart bombs, bunker busters, laser guided, war on terrorism, axis of evil, biological and chemical weapons, tactical nuclear weapons, first strike option, global reach, gitmo, delivery package, tomahawk, cruise, scud, rules of engagement, air-to-ground, since 911, al qaeda, security threat, counter measures, anthrax, air cover, small pox, taliban, apache, tow, slam-er, operational, recon, heat seeking, pin-point, collateral, surveillance, resolute, containment, heads up, global positioning, infrared, in coming, fire control, radar, carpet bombing, anti-personnel, ground support, deterrent, perimeter, and on and on...

Any script writes itself.

Chuck Grimes

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