Chickenhawks - Hall of Shame (flash video)

Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Thu Oct 3 12:23:15 PDT 2002

> It's not supposed to valorize military service, it is
> supposed to make a case that the warmongers are hypocrites.
> Now if you don't find hypocrisy to be a problem (and folks
> on this list have argued that it is not a problem), then I
> suppose this tack won't appeal to you. Personally, I find
> hypocrisy repellent and a fundamental intellectual offense
> that there is no excuse for.


Why would an "anti-war" critic care whether or not said politician did or did not serve? It personalizes what ought to be a de-personalized issue, namely, "pre-emptive" war.

> The worst chickenhawks in my opinion are those who supported the
> Vietnam War, but avoided the combat zone by getting a special
> commission from the National Guard and the like because of family
> influence, and then failed to even show up for duty, like GW Bush.

> Yoshie

So now the "anti-war" movement is critical of AWOL status and deferments? Would it have been better that those who did not serve in Vietnam went and joined in the slaughter? The only people I can see even remotely getting upset over this are combat vets, not peaceniks.


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