Chickenhawks - Hall of Shame (flash video)

Gordon Fitch gcf at
Thu Oct 3 13:00:42 PDT 2002

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Dennis Perrin:
> So now the "anti-war" movement is critical of AWOL status and deferments?
> Would it have been better that those who did not serve in Vietnam went and
> joined in the slaughter? The only people I can see even remotely getting
> upset over this are combat vets, not peaceniks.

These are not necessarily distinct sets.

What's missing but implied is the class nature of military service. I suppose pointing out that those who support wars in the higher realms of the State are unlikely to have served in them might help bring that out of the shadows. And poking fun at the exposed, pimply hindquarters of the overlords at once entertains the folk and encourages disobedience.

-- Gordon

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