release Milosevic!

Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Mon Oct 7 06:44:57 PDT 2002

> The petition calls for Milosevic's *release* not
> his defence.
> I for one would agree that - however grave Milosevic's crimes - the
> court at the Hague is a fig-leaf for imperialism, designed to attribute
> responsibility for the political problems in the Balkans principally to
> Milosevic. It has no justification in law, whether international or
> local, and its judges have no right to judge anyone. It is for the
> peoples of the Balkans to decide who the guilty parties are, so until
> such a time as that is possible..
> Release Milosevic!
> --
> James Heartfield

Yeah, yeah -- and if and when Kissinger comes before the same imperialist body, I know James, Carrol and their defenders will make the same arguments. I mean, you can't blame Kissinger solely for Allende's murder or the Chilean car bomb in DC, right? And let's not even bring up Cambodia and East Timor! What, and give ammunition to the enemy? It makes me cringe.

Any petition that calls Milosevic a "patriot" is hardly neutral on the issue of ethnic cleansing. And I am happy to see my suspicion proved right -- that a number of LBOers will support any degradation so long as the USG is against it.Yes, this a "left" what will work wonders for the common prole, provided said prole has the "right" opinion.


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