release Milosevic!

Gordon Fitch gcf at
Mon Oct 7 07:54:29 PDT 2002

Dennis Perrin:
> ...
> Any petition that calls Milosevic a "patriot" is hardly neutral on the issue
> of ethnic cleansing. And I am happy to see my suspicion proved right -- that
> a number of LBOers will support any degradation so long as the USG is
> against it.Yes, this a "left" what will work wonders for the common prole,
> provided said prole has the "right" opinion.
> ...

What is disparaging Milosevic on a mailing list supposed to do for the common prole, whoever that is? I don't get it. Is this common prole wrought up about Milosevic? I'd think she or he would be more concerned with other matters, such as Monkey Boy's next war, or the guttering economy. But maybe I'm out of touch with common proledom.

-- Gordon

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