Demonstration to Stop the WAR (Fri, Oct 11)

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at
Sun Oct 13 10:50:37 PDT 2002

Dennis Perrin: Well, then, comrades -- here's to a loooong, destructive, painful, bloody, costly war! Anything for the cause, eh?

Apparently that's the only thing which dissuades the imperially-minded from their sport... Any suggestions? Moral and aesthetic suasion don't seem to do a thing as far as the powerful are concerned. -- Gordon


Wish I had an alternative. But here is an even more depressing thought. What if it works? What if the US captures the central government, ousts Hussein, takes few casualties and inflicts few in return. Then what?

Just to toy with the most depressing scenario I can imagine. Let's say it all works out just fine and most Iraqis accept it, going on about their business. Let's say after a few shocking months of un-ambivalent military and political success, it only goes from bad to worse. Let's say the US and the Russians form a joint energy development project, rehabilitate the Iraqi oil fields, link up the rest of the central asian gas and oil fields and pipeline projects to put themselves into direct competition with the Saudis and OPEC. Thus the Russians and US move EU, Japan, India, China, and SEA energy supply dependence from OPEC to the US and Russians?

Too bad the US has zero in rail technology because it would then be in a great position to hose most of central asia out of their rail and infrastructure development. Oh well, it can't be all good news...

Chuck Grimes

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