Hitchens in the Post

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Mon Oct 21 18:33:24 PDT 2002

>>It is this
>>quasi-Stalinist group, co- organized by a man with the
>>wondrous name of Clark Kissinger, which has recruited
>>such figures as Ed Asner and Marisa Tomei to sign the
>>"Not In Our Name" petition.
>I've expressed a lot of sympathy for Hitchens' view of the Iraq situation
>and his criticisms of much left rhetoric on it, but to conflate the IAC with
>NION just shows a sloppiness that undermines the credibility of his
>-- Nathan Newman

Looks like you're right. However, how different are the WWP and RCP when you get down to it?

I'm curious to hear what people think of Saddam opening up the prisons. Seems rather desperate. Any other regimes ever pull this sort of stunt?


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