
Max B. Sawicky sawicky at
Thu Oct 24 14:13:34 PDT 2002

they put on this huge defensive, body-guard front when one of their leaders speaks. that is quite different from seeking to reach out and touch someone with violence. --mbs

I used to be connected with a local leftish-grassroots outfit called All People's Congress - good folks but not very effective. They used to invite speakers from different groups to. One day they had NoI contingent, and they were scary, very militaristic, very determined, no ifs or maybes, and very ends justifies the means. On the one hand, I thought it would be nice if the left was so well organized, but otoh I would not find that sexy at all. I had an impression that these people would use any form of violence without having any second thoughts - as long as they could get away with. Same mind-set as that drug dealier that fire-bombed a house a few block away from my 'hood' - to silence a woman who stood against his business.

Or maybe I am getting more and more tired of men who ty to "make a point" by indiscriminate use of violence.


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