
mike larkin mike_larkin2001 at
Thu Oct 24 14:02:41 PDT 2002

Timothy McVeigh, and the Special Forces wife killers in Georgia, are only a few examples of "military personnel who have generally wandered around killing civilians when they were not ordered to do so."

The U.S. military's role, both here and abroad, in recruiting and churning out killers, is not a "silly" explanation. Violence breeds violence. The mental health of military recruits, both before and after tours of duty, is a subject that deserves more serious analysis.

And the description of the Nation of Islam as "al-Quada lite" is slander, worthy of Daniel Pipes or Judith Miller.

<I surprised to hear you say that.

I surprised to hear you say that.

NOI may have an odd take on Islam, but it has never gone in for attacks on others, lite or otherwise (the exception proving the rule being Malcolm X), especially in any sort of political way. Maybe they harass low-level competition or ex-members; I wouldn't know.

I agree on the silliness of military-connected explanations of the snipers' behavior.


The Guardian reports that this guy associated with the Nation of Islam, which for all practical purposes is a homegrown al Quada lite. Military personnel generally do not wander around killing civilians when they are not odered to do so, that is a "gangsta" thing to do.

Wojtek >

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