a critique of the march on Sandton

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Mon Sep 2 21:10:53 PDT 2002

Re: burning banks.

Bank of America in Isla Vista burned down in the student ghetto outside UCSB in...well let's see....

Isla Vista California History Resources ... Known as the Isla Vista Riots, the most notorious event of this period was the burning of the Bank of America building on February 25, 1970. ...

www.library.ucsb.edu/speccoll/ivweb/iv1.html Wow, apple video clip from TV news then... http://www.islavista.org/sfm.html

I have a copy of thw issue of Scanlans, a short lived radical monthly in the early 70's that was a compilation of the hundreds of bombings and other mayhem against ROTC, corporate and governmental and campus targets by anti-war activists. The vast majority were done in a fashion as to prevent, 'er collaterial damage to civilians (offhand can only recall that there was one death the mathematics grad astudent at the Amy Math Center @ U of Wisc., Madison, see the book by Bates, "Rads.") but, also to bring the war home and heighten them contradictions.

This is a tough issue. Historically, splits in ruling class opinion widen when those sectors more concerned about maintaining a broad base of legitimation for the system vs. the, ""If it takes a bloodbath, let's get it over with. No more appeasement." http://dept.kent.edu/may4/quotations.htm Calif. Governor Ronald Reagan April 7, 1970, sectors appeal to their respective mass bases, when the social costs of widening war cause massive problems like civil unrest and inflation. As many autobiographicasl accts. of the period relate, anecdotally all pollling data supports this http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~eemoise/public.html (Vietnam War Bibliography http://hubcap.clemson.edu/ ~eemoise/bibliography.html :Public Opinion) , esp. in the industrial working class, the war became increasingly hated AND the anti-war movement viewed as a bunch of elitist Harvard Rich Kids lacking courage and patriotism. In the words of a Dorchester, Masachusetts housewife canvassed by Bill Schneider during Vietnam Summer in '67, after condemning William Bundy and MacGeorge Bundy and Robert MacNamara for starting the war, she rages against the snotty nosed brats from the upper middle class getting an education her kids would never be able to get.

My Trotskyist friend, David Walters, then in the SWP has told me of many a time when solidly militant, class conscious workers on the waterfronts he worked in on the East Coast in the early 70's that hated the war and hated even more the anti-war mvmnt. Michael Pugliese

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