the smartest fascist?

Peter K. peterk at
Wed Sep 4 22:59:22 PDT 2002

>When it was his turn in line, someone had something to
>say about Henry Kissinger that was a bit of
>one-upmaniship concerning the history of just how bad
>Kissinger was. Sitting there more increasingly
>aghast, I watched Hitchens get in a lather because
>this guy presumed to offer some negative take on HK
>that wasn't in CH's path. It ended with CH saying
>something like, "I don't respond to fascists." The
>questioner, equally aghast, immediately exclaimed,
>"Fascist? I'm a pacifist!"
>It was a laughably bunk use of the term.

I don't remember that. Maybe I was in the restroom relieving myself at the time. I do remember a notorious mentally ill black "questioner" going on about the Jews, etc. and how Hitchens finally cut him off by saying he wouldn't respond.

I also remember a somewhat fawning Tom Frank sitting across from Hitchens during dinner that night trying to engage an uninterested Hitch in conversation.


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