Bye bye ms Coulter

Guilherme C Roschke groschke at
Thu Sep 5 12:30:49 PDT 2002

> She's a very popular conservative writer of the David Horowitz tendency.
> >From this side of the Atlantic its hard to see how relevant she is. From the
> little I've read of her (she's a piss poor polemicist), she reads like she's
> basically preaching to the converted. Her arguments are incoherent, she
> makes stuff up and should be a joke...except she still gets invited onto
> talk shows as an important political thinker. Which speaks volumes about the
> right wing biases of the US media. I can't think of a liberal who gets the
> easy ride that she and others of her ilk get.

she was on comedy central's "daily show with jon stewart" a few weeks ago. he handled her quite nicely, read her book, deflated her stock phrases, and told some jokes about her position. 'bout what you could expect from comedy central.

i tried to find her on their archives but no luck. google returned the following link ....

I mean, come on! Is she really worth the attention she's getting? Is her hatred of anyone who disgrees with her justified at all? I think not. Last night, Ann was on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. If you're a fan of the show, you'll recognise that it was unusual for the show to return after commerical break with the guest (Coulter) already sitting on the couch. Usually there's an introduction followed by applause. Regardless, Coulter was sitting on the couch, spewing forth hatred from her piehole, and Jon Stewart was doing an admirable job of being polite. As he gently questioned her, I could see him examing her armor for chinks. He made her feel comfortable enough to go off on one of her trademark rants. At one point Coulter declared, "There are a lot of good Republicans; there are no good Democrats." The audience greeted this statement with boos and hisses, then Jon went in for the kill. To paraphrase, he said, You know Ann, I think this whole liberal versus conservative arguement is tired. It's been beaten to death; they've been going at this since Goldwater and Kissinger, and those labels don't matter anymore. What we really have today are two types of people: extremists and moderates. The audience applauded wildly over this subtle yet pointed dig, and Coulter tried to defend her remarks. Fortunately I couldn't hear her over the applause. Stewart made a good point. Name-calling is plain stupid. It doesn't get us anywhere. If we are going to have a "with us or against us" mentality, then let's not assume that anyone who's liberal is against us. Let's not assume that only conservatives are righteous. Let's acknowledge a fact: you are either extreme enough to blow up buildings and people, or you're not. If you're not an extremist, then indeed, you are with us, regardless of party affiliation. When are we going to stop the name calling and get back to what really matters? As long as people like Ann Coulter are allowed a public forum, we will continue to be mired in pointless accusations. The first amendment may protect her right to say stupid shit, but it doesn't protect her from being ostracised for it. Please, people, let's ostracise her and get back to business.


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