The Crimes of Empire?

Bradford DeLong jbdelong at
Fri Sep 6 05:27:50 PDT 2002

>[just because you post it, doesn't mean you totally agree. Chomsky
>by the way has said corporations are fascist and is of the view
>America was fascist during World War II.]
>The Crimes of 'Intcom'
>By Noam Chomsky
>...One does not read that for 25 years the United States has barred
>the efforts of the international
>community to achieve a diplomatic settlement of the
>Israeli-Palestinian conflict along the lines
>repeated, in essence, in the Saudi proposal adopted by the Arab
>League in March 2002. That
>initiative has been widely acclaimed as a historic opportunity that
>can only be realized if Arab
>states agree at last to accept the existence of Israel. In fact,
>Arab states (along with the
>Palestine Liberation Organization) have repeatedly done so since
>January 1976, when they joined the
>rest of the world in backing a U.N. Security Council resolution
>calling for a political settlement
>based on Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories with
>"appropriate arrangements ... to
>guarantee ... the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political
>independence of all states in
>the area and their right to live in peace within secure and
>recognized borders"...

I had thought that the Arab states and the PLO made it clear back in 1976 that, in their eyes, Israel was not a "state". "States" have rights to live in peace within secure and recognized borders. "Zionist entities" do not.

Am I misremembering the history, or is Chomsky lying to us?

Brad DeLong

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