WTO Stands For "Worship The Oligarchy"

Joe R. Golowka joeg at ieee.org
Sun Sep 8 18:05:46 PDT 2002

Michael Pollak wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Mark Ames of The eXile was quoted as saying:
>>The WTO might also force the Russians to privatize their water;when this
>>happened in Bolivia, citizens were forbidden by law even from collecting
>>rain water on their roofs without a permit from Bechtel.
> Is this true?

If I recalled correctly it was the IMF, not WTO, which did that. It was reversed by mass direct action. For a while Bolivia seemed on the verge of revolution.

-- Joe R. Golowka JoeG at ieee.org Anarchist FAQ -- http://www.anarchyfaq.org

"PATRIOTISM, n. 1) The inability to distinguish between the government and one's "country"; 2) A highly praiseworthy virtue characterized by the desire to dominate and kill; 3) A feeling of exultation experienced when contemplating heaps of charred "enemy" corpses; 4) The first, last, and perennial refuge of scoundrels.

PATRIOT, n. A dangerous tool of the powers that be. A herd member who compensates for lack of self-respect by indentifying with an abstraction. An enemy of individual freedom. A fancier of the rich, satisfying flavor of boot leather." -- from The American Heretic's Dictionary

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