dangerous men

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Tue Sep 10 06:51:27 PDT 2002

jAt 04:33 PM 9/9/2002 -0700, joanna wrote:

>Nah. Jocks are stupid. Stupidity is not dangerous except in doctors,
>pilots, and government officials. To further narrow the definition, I had
>in mind very smart jerks.

Stupidity is valued very high among most teens - I know that from direct observation. There is a peculiar race to the bottom among many (perhaps even most) teens - who will look and act most dumb-blondish, playboy bunnyish, less "educational" etc. (if you have any doubts, go and watch a teen crowd in a mall or a teen show on tee-vee). Dating jocks and hicks is a part of that.

As to the dangers of stupidity - they are serious. The only weapon of an idiot with no social skills is his fists, and he will use them when feeling insecure or threatened and when he can get away with it (i.e. when he is not facing a bigger male). That, btw, applies to circa 2/3 of all males in this country. So by sheer law of probability, circa 2/3 of all women will end up with jerks with no social skills and propensity toward violent behavior. That is yet another non-individualistic explanation why otherwise smart women often end up with assholes - it is the supply-side rather than the demand-side factor.


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