dangerous men

Luke Weiger lweiger at umich.edu
Tue Sep 10 11:32:13 PDT 2002

> As to the dangers of stupidity - they are serious. The only weapon of an
> idiot with no social skills is his fists, and he will use them when
> insecure or threatened and when he can get away with it (i.e. when he is
> not facing a bigger male). That, btw, applies to circa 2/3 of all males
> this country. So by sheer law of probability, circa 2/3 of all women will
> end up with jerks with no social skills and propensity toward violent
> behavior. That is yet another non-individualistic explanation why
> otherwise smart women often end up with assholes - it is the supply-side
> rather than the demand-side factor.
> wojtek

Come on, Wojtek--I'm sure you know likes generally end up with likes. I've yet to meet an intelligent woman matched up with a genuine imbecile (although I'm sure it happens occasionally).

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