
Joe R. Golowka joeg at
Thu Sep 12 11:20:20 PDT 2002

Brad DeLong wrote:
> the Taliban government of Afghanistan was worth overthrowing
> even at the cost of perhaps 1000 civilian lives.

Are you willing to be one of those 1000 dead?

-- Joe R. Golowka JoeG at Anarchist FAQ --

"According to the libertarian litany, if an industry or an institution is making a profit, it is satisfying "wants" whose origins and content are deliberately disregarded. But what we want, what we are capable of wanting is relative to the forms of social organization. People "want" fast food because they have to hurry back to work, because processed supermarket food doesn't taste much better anyway, because the nuclear family (for the dwindling minority who have even that to go home to) is too small and too stressed to sustain much festivity in cooking and eating -- and so forth. It is only people who can't get what they want who resign themselves to want more of what they can get. Since we cannot be friends and lovers, we wail for more candy." - Bob Black

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