William Greider, Mark Levin, & Gar Alperovitz speak at Globalization Conference

Chris Cooper ccooper1 at kent.edu
Thu Sep 12 11:37:12 PDT 2002


"Fix Globalization: Make It More Inclusive, Democratic, Accountable and Sustainable"

International Policy Conference

Organized by the Capital Ownership Group (COG) for October 9-11, 2002, in Washington, DC.


This conference highlights problems caused by increasing concentration of capital and decision-making and poses solutions. While we appreciate the production efficiencies of global trade, we question conventional assumptions about the balance between civil and property rights, and about how wealth, money and capital are created. We demonstrate how rules and institutions can be transformed to benefit democracy and strengthen communities. We explore successful examples and present new policy proposals that promote social stability, decrease poverty and increase democracy by enabling increased broad local ownership and control of productive assets. The methods and proposals presented are politically feasible because they provide broad access to creation of new wealth without resorting to redistribution of current wealth.

Some of the featured speakers include:

William Greider - noted author, Nation columnist (Keynote Speaker) Mark Levin - International Labour Organization (ILO) (Keynote Speaker) Gar Alperovitz - University of Maryland David Ellerman - Senior Economic Advisor, World Bank Paul Hazen - President & CEO, National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA) Marjorie Kelly - Editor, Business Ethics Lynn Williams - Retired President, United Steelworkers of America (USWA) and many more...

Who Should Attend?

Policy makers, corporate, government, labor, and community leaders, social investors, economists, attorneys, accountants, researchers and writers concerned about where globalization is taking us and realistic proposals for change.

What is Capital Ownership Group (COG)?

The Capital Ownership Group (COG), a non-profit network of professionals, business, labor and government leaders and staff, academics and activists on six continents, works to broaden ownership to deal with the negative effects of globalization. Funded by the Ford Foundation, COG has developed and operates an on-line virtual think tank and conference center from Kent State University in Ohio. More information on COG can be found at www.capitalownership.org

COG's mission is to: create a coalition that promotes broad ownership of productive capital; reduce inequality of income and wealth; increases sustainable economic development; expand opportunities for people to realize their productive and creative potential; stabilize local communities by improving living standards; and enhance the quality of life for all.

You can get more information about the conference at:


and register online at:


Chris Cooper, Media Specialist/Business Succession Planning Program Co-Coordinator

The Ohio Employee Ownership Center 309 Franklin Hall Kent State University Kent, OH 44242 ccooper1 at kent.edu 330-672-3028 330-672-4063 fax <http://www.kent.edu/oeoc> <http://capitalownership.org>

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