What are the politics of rejoining UNESCO?

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Tue Sep 17 21:49:39 PDT 2002

Dorene Cornwell:
>Am I the only one who thinks there is a chance that rejoining UNESCO right
>now could an incredibly cynical effort to buy assent for adventures in Iraq?
>Good for Kofi Annan if he was able to extract that from the Iraq posturing.
>Of course I would also love to know where the US currently stands about
>paying UN DUES.
>I have not kept precise score, but I think there is other horsetrading going
>on with individual states and the UN to get buy-in for Iraq stuff
>I believe "reforms" have to do with basically gutting the agency in order to
>reduce charges of "bloat."
>Research? Hopefully later I will have time to look further.

These are fascinating issues and I'd be interested to learn more. The US paid its back dues immediately after 9-11, which was quite a turnabout.


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