To say "the US deserved it" is a backhanded way of saying that "the people who live in the United States and pledge it their allegiance deserve it."... Brad DeLong
Well, nice way to put it.
Thankfully that leaves me out, since I have studiously not pledged allegiance since I was twelve, some forty-seven years ago. Gave up on God, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, George Washington's cherry tree, and saving Green Stamps all in the same year. My stepmother was appalled at my hostility toward her Green Stamp fetish. Poor dear. Luckily I never shared with her my anathema toward the other items on my hate America first list.
Naturally the list only got longer, fatter and grew hair with puberty. I realize it probably sounds like bragging, but by sixteen, it had become truly gargantuan in its dimensions, scope, and focus of my attentions. By college I could barely carry it around in my pants any more and needed a small hand cart for assistance. After almost half a century of unrelenting growth, at this point in my life, I am a mere figure head perched as it were on the very precipice of its geological topology, a veritable mountain range with its own weather system...
Chuck Grimes