Lefty despair

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Thu Sep 19 16:37:11 PDT 2002

>>Why are so many LBO-talkers obsessed with finding fault with "the
>>left"? If leftists themselves don't like "the left," why should
>>anyone else? Self-flagellation and self-deprecation are
>>unattractive. It makes sense to flog "the left" ritually once we
>>cease to consider ourselves leftists, but, otherwise, it's
>>self-defeating. Suppose we are interested in winning friends and
>>influencing people, as everyone here says we should be; then it makes
>>sense to stop saying that "the left sucks," which is like a salesman
>>saying, "Never buy this product -- I won't use it myself."
>>- --
>Self-deprecation is a hell of a lot more attractive to me than
>self-righteousness. Someone genuinely trying to figure something out is more
>attractive to me than someone who appears to have all the answers (and
>apparently was born with them.) I'll cop to this: When I'm less sure, I'm
>more dogmatic. Enybody else wanna cop-out? (as Etheridge Knight says.)
>Jenny Brown

I agree and I'll cop-out too. As to Yoshie's points, sometimes the truth sucks and conversely I wish salesmen would be a little more honest, but I won't hold my breath on that one.

Self-righteousness can be fine if you agree with the person, but when you don't, ugh. Carrol's tone sometimes reminds me of a George Will or a William Bennett.


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