Lefty Despair and Re: More Michael Parenti Re: Deserving Americans

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Mon Sep 23 07:00:49 PDT 2002

> Tahir: Actually no, I don't see any religious aspect - explain it to me.
Marx provided a method of critiquing capital and thereby illuminated a set of possibilities for humanity in a way that I believe no-one else had done. What's religious about that?
> DP: He was a
> brilliant analyst if a so-so human being. And his insights into capital
> still have relevance today. But trying to turn a pudgy, ill-kept, heavy
> drinking, cheap cigar smoking, cheating husband into some kind of timeless
> prophet is in my view a waste of time, and in the worst cases has led to
> some disastrous results.
> Tahir: Have you seen anyone here doing that lately? I haven't.

> "Marx provided a method of critiquing capital and thereby illuminated a
set of possibilities for humanity in a way that I believe no-one else had done."

Sorry, sounds religious to me. Oh grand and mighty Marx, you have shown us the way!

> Tahir: The anarchists that I know about are communists, no? So surely the
anarchist in you and the marxist in me can agree that states themselves are antithetical to communism. You also seem to think that describing your education is somehow answering the question of where you stand politically. Of course you have the right not to answer my question, but then your political comments seem to me to have less value. I would be surprised if everyone else doesn't see it that way too...

Hmmm, I could have sworn that there were, and remain, some communist states. In name only? Not actual exisiting? Whatever.

If you don't like what I have to say, why engage me?


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