Hitch responds

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Tue Apr 1 06:54:05 PST 2003

I asked Christopher Hitchens for an explanation of why shock and awe didn't work as advertised, and why, contrary to his prediction, many are willing to die for Iraq, if not Saddam Hussein personally. His reponse:

>Dear Doug,
> Just back. I'm not wrong yet, even literally, and I didn't see
>anyone in Safwan ready to die for SH - though there are those
>willing or coerced to kill for him. As you know/knew.
> On the northern front it's much more classic, with US power
>reinforcing the local fighters and expanding liberated zones. I
>agree with the INC that there should be much more of this.
> And I am impressed by the precision-bombing and the steady
>demolition of the Ba'athist system. Try and keep up with John
>Burns's reportage on NPR and elsewhere, as well as in the NYT.
> The predictions about oil fires, mass destruction and death etc
>are the ones not fulfilled yet. I'm glad such attention is being
>paid to my debate with Mark and wouldn't blush at any reproduction
>or distribution of the whole transcript.
> As ever,

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