Daschle eats his words, and then some

Seth Ackerman sethia at speakeasy.net
Tue Apr 1 14:59:36 PST 2003

Nathan Newman wrote:

> -That's all very nice, but why do all these left Dems have so little
> -influence on either policy or political discourse?...They've got slightly
> less
> -than half of Congress, but you'd never know it.
> Yes-- and one vote short of half of the House means you've got nothing.
> can't even get a vote on a bill. As I've repeated, you want influence by
> progressives, elect more Democrats so they actually can control and set
> agenda. Imagine a Congress where John Conyers ran the Judiciary
> Charlie Rangel ran Ways & Means, and so on.

Do you remember those balmy socialist days of 1993-1995? The country hasn't been the same since.


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