On Mon, 7 Apr 2003 15:15:18 -0400
"Nathan Newman" <nathanne at nathannewman.org> wrote:
> When people who praise the Hussein regime are leading the
> rallies, folks who
> don't like Hussein rightly should think that such a
> movement has no real
> plan for an alternative challenge to his regime.
> -- Nathan Newman
-Yes Nathan, I can't make it though an anti-war demo without -having to wade through a mass of people waving signs with -Saddam's face.
Yes and Bush doesn't talk about oil, yet a lot of people think that is related to his policy.
What's amazing is that so many progressives want average folks to be sophisticated and look beyond the upfront rhetoric of conservatives like Bush, yet question why anyone would ever question the motives behind the rhetoric of a group like the Workers World.
I find that while a lot of folks don't have all the information I wish they could have, they are far smarter and sophisticated than the left gives them credit for. Which explains a lot of the left's bouts of anti-populist despair and simplistic sloganeering and repugnant coalitions, as if the masses are too stupid to question such alliances.
-- Nathan Newman