> Meet the 'transhumanists' behind the Pentagon terror casino
> By <mailto:andrew.orlowski at theregister.co.uk>Andrew Orlowski in San
> Francisco
> Posted: 05/08/2003 at 11:01 GMT
> If there was an other-worldly feel to the news last week that the
> Pentagon was investing in an online futures exchange to reward terrorist
> atrocities, then the following few days have been even stranger.
Well, this explains a few things. Where there is a nutty idea, there is usually a nutty movement behind it.
A little bit less than a decade ago I was on the Extropians email list. It was pretty interesting because there was alot of talk there about new technology. After a few months of lurking, it became apparent that these folks were one taco short of a combination platter. If they weren't talking about tax free data havens they were arguing over the possibility of uploading human consciousness into robots.
One day, I had finally had enough and I sent the list one of my first email flames, ridiculing the extropians and all their whacked out schemes. I also suggested that they get out of the basement of their mom's houses and learn a few things about the world.
The extropians list was the first email list I had the pleasure of being kicked off of.