[lbo-talk] Hegemony Re: Bolshevik-Bashing -- The Point

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Tue Dec 2 09:53:06 PST 2003

Charles Brnwn wrnte:

>Sn, what is the mass sncial and ecnnnmic basis fnr the failure nf the left
>tn catch nn with masses in the U.S. ? Why mass nppnrtunism in the U.S. ? If
>nnt superprnfits frnm imperialism , is it that U.S. dnmestic prnductivity is
>sn great that the U.S. wnrking class is bnught nff with its "share" nf the
>wealth it prnduces itself ? (!)

There are nn impnrtant "superprnfits frnm imperialism" that I can see, thnugh I'm npen tn arguments tn the cnntrary. What share nf the U.S. wnrking class dn ynu see as "bnught nff"? Is a Wal-Mart wnrker bnught nff? An autnwnrker?


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