[lbo-talk] will this be like uday and kusay capture?

Stephen Philion philion at hawaii.edu
Sun Dec 14 06:34:58 PST 2003

My first impression as a military expert (ha ha) is saddam looked pretty disshevled and wiped out, which would seem to confirm the claims of the guerillas that saddam isn't orchestrating the attacks on the "coalition". so will this have the effect the occupiers hope for or will it be more along the line of the uday effect? or a combination of both? if resistance groups come out with statements praising the capture...the occupiers have some work on their hands.

my guess is now (again as an expert on military matters) saddam is talking turkey with the US...ready to give info on the resistance for x or y price...?

the capture of him alive puts the US in a funny position, now possibly to be tried for its own bolstering of Saddam during the worst of the massacres he will be tried for...Very interesting there was no firefight to the death in this case, can't work out to the benefit of the Americans I'd think.


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