"Even if the guerrilla networks are still driven by Baath Party financing and contacts -- as many U.S. military officials contend -- the recruitment that is key to keeping the campaign alive does not always glorify Hussein. "Saddam Hussein is behind all our problems," said Khaled Kirtani, whose brother was killed in an attack on U.S. forces in Khaldiya in July. "The young people are waking up," he added. "They're not Baathists, they're not party members. They did it for God. When they saw the Americans come, raid the houses, steal from the people, they didn't accept it." Even if the guerrilla networks are still driven by Baath Party financing and contacts -- as many U.S. military officials contend -- the recruitment that is key to keeping the campaign alive does not always glorify Hussein.
"Saddam Hussein is behind all our problems," said Khaled Kirtani, whose brother was killed in an attack on U.S. forces in Khaldiya in July. "The young people are waking up," he added. "They're not Baathists, they're not party members. They did it for God. When they saw the Americans come, raid the houses, steal from the people, they didn't accept it."