I don't know he did pretty well and unlike Osama he does not have the protection of any sections within a neighboring secret service. Also if you are packing light...Cash is heavy. As for Libya and Syria they could not take that kind of heat. Iraq has been a success at the level of a demonstration project. Moreover, Libya is busy trying to remake itself as a good international citizen, hence the current pay-out to Brits from the bombing.
At 05:04 PM 15/12/03 -0500, you wrote:
> > It is natural to feel satisfaction at seeing the once
> > proud and deadly Hussein disheveled and defeated -
> > this must be admitted.
>What came naturally to me, after I first heard the news was the
>question: How come that this supposedly shrewd and omnipotent dictator
>having weapons of mass destruction did not come with a better exit
>strategy? Being caught only with $750,000 in a rat-hole near his home
>town? How pathetic. I could come up with a better exit strategy and
>probably as much cash (courtesy of credit card companies) without access
>to any of Mr. Hussein's resources.
>The US invasion of Iraq and the outcome of that invasion was not exactly
>a surprise to Mr. Hussein. So if he indeed was such a shrew villain as
>the US propaganda wants us to believe, one would expect him to find a
>safe haven (Syria? One of the -stans that emerged from the x-USSR?,
>Libya?) well before the invasion and simply go there as soon as the US
>mercenaries .. err.... "brave men and women defending freedom and
>democracy" overrun his country. Yet it did not materialize, just as the
>supposed WMD. Why? Perhaps Mr. Hussein was not such a big threat as
>the Bush gang wanted us to believe.
>In short, things do not quite add up here, and if we had an independent
>press, questions should be asked instead of orchestration a "minute of
>hate" for the US sheeple (are the Brits also swallowing raw this