That is why these twerps join College Republicans, Hitlerjugend, Red Guards and assorted pro-establishment organizations, such as Weekly Standard. It gives them a sense of POWER which they otherwise lack.
A good example of it is a college repug who shot his repug colleague on the JHU campus a few years ago (which was not, in the end, such a bad thing because it took two repugs out of the circulation, but unfortunately the perp avoided the well-deserved death penalty on "temporary insanity" defense). The apparent reason was rivarly, the perp lost college repug chairmanship to the vitim, or something of that sort. Only someone who is inherently weak and resentful could act in such a way. Evidently, upsetting his position in the college repug structure destryed the perp's self-esteem to the point that he felt compelled to fight for it literally to death.
Other examples come from my experience as an Army instructor. I discovered that the biggest and meanest jerks and assholes were also the ones who would break down to pieces and cried like babies when they flunked tests, which jeopardized their position in the organization. Evidently, they were weaklings who compensated for their personal weakness by acting tough, which included identifying with a "manly" organization. In that context, the closet gay - Marine character from the "American Beauty" comes to mind.
In short, the SturmAbteilung for the establishment organizations serve as stepping stones to power for assoreted twerps, cowards and weaklings - which makes a particularly nauseous mix.